Here is some information about local businesses and groups in and around Hail Weston. If you’re interested in having your group on here then please contact oliverohwpc@gmail.com

Neighbourhood Café
The aim is to create a friendly atmosphere where all are welcome (including non-Hail Westoners), whether you already have lots of friends in the village or would like a chance to chat, meet neighbours and make new friends.
Neighbourhood Café
3.30-5.30, Hail Weston Village Hall
Homemade cakes and warm drinks will be available – no charge, but donations towards costs are welcome.
Donations are often collected for charities or Hail Weston fundraising groups – see the notice on the day.
Sometimes we include a ‘special interest’ table to give us something extra to chat about.
Please get in touch if you’d like to come but have difficulty getting there or if you’d like to help on the day, make cakes or run a special interest table.
The Hail Weston neighbourhood café comes to the village hall every
Third Sunday of every month.
Village Hall

The Mondays
Community Choir
Fun, friendly singing group,
Meets in: St Nicholas’ church every Monday evening from: 7.30-9:00pm.
All welcome, no auditions.
Come along to listen or join in – we’d love to see you!
Enquiries: call Elaine McCarthy on 01480 474542
Monday 7.30-9:00pm.
St Nicolas Church

Yoga Classes
Linda Tongue runs a regular
Wednesday evening
Mixed Ability Hatha Yoga class
from 6.45-7.45pm
at Hail Weston Village Hall
£6 per session.
To enrol or find out more
email Linda or call 01480 350345 or 07733 343702.
Village Hall
Wednesday 6:45 - 7:45pm.
First Tuesday of the Month
HWWGG Offers a varied programme including: presentations on gardening and wildlife related topics and visits to places of gardening, horticultural, wildlife and conservation interest.
Wildlife and Gardening
Village Hall

Meetings take place in Hail Weston Village Hall at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start.
Unless otherwise stated events cost £1 for members and £3 for non-members
Tea/Coffee/glass of wine/biscuits are available at meetings for a voluntary donation.
Contact Barbara Wallis (tel 07849272915)

Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month
Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month
Church Restoration Group
The Statement of Significance is accompanied by a Statement of Need which explains why we feel that some re-ordering of the church is needed now. Both documents will be submitted shortly to the Diocese Advisory Council in Ely, along with some provisional sketches, and hopefully once these are accepted, the first of our four projects will be under way officially.
In the meantime, there is plenty to do, including making provision during re-ordering for the welfare of the bats who live in and around the churchyard, seeking funding, organising a bank account, visiting other churches and learning from their experiences, and researching new ideas so that any changes will be sympathetic to the needs and character of our church in the centuries to come.
Getting everything pulled together will take time, but it is exciting to be taking these first steps and feel that our project is finally getting under way.
We have now produced a Statement of Significance, which is a document that lays out why the Church of St Nicolas is so important, both historically and to the local community.
St Nicolas Church


Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month

Neighbourhood Café
The aim is to create a friendly atmosphere where all are welcome (including non-Hail Westoners), whether you already have lots of friends in the village or would like a chance to chat, meet neighbours and make new friends.
Neighbourhood Café
3.30-5.30, Hail Weston Village Hall
Homemade cakes and warm drinks will be available – no charge, but donations towards costs are welcome.
Donations are often collected for charities or Hail Weston fundraising groups – see the notice on the day.
Sometimes we include a ‘special interest’ table to give us something extra to chat about.
Please get in touch if you’d like to come but have difficulty getting there or if you’d like to help on the day, make cakes or run a special interest table.
The Hail Weston neighbourhood café comes to the village hall every
Third Sunday of every month.
Village Hall

Singing Group
Fun, friendly singing group,
Meets in: St Nicholas’ church every Monday evening from: 7.30-9:00pm.
All welcome, no auditions.
Come along to listen or join in – we’d love to see you!
Enquiries: call Elaine McCarthy on 01480 474542
Monday 7.30-9:00pm.
St Nicolas Church

Yoga Classes
Linda Tongue runs a regular
Wednesday evening
Mixed Ability Hatha Yoga class
from 6.45-7.45pm
at Hail Weston Village Hall
£6 per session.
To enrol or find out more
email Linda or call 01480 350345 or 07733 343702.
Village Hall
Wednesday 6:45 - 7:45pm.
First Tuesday of the Month
HWWGG Offers a varied programme including: presentations on gardening and wildlife related topics and visits to places of gardening, horticultural, wildlife and conservation interest.
Wildlife and Gardening
Village Hall

Meetings take place in Hail Weston Village Hall at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start.
Unless otherwise stated events cost £1 for members and £3 for non-members
Tea/Coffee/glass of wine/biscuits are available at meetings for a voluntary donation.
Contact Barbara Wallis (tel 07849272915)

Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month

Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month
Church Restoration Group
The Statement of Significance is accompanied by a Statement of Need which explains why we feel that some re-ordering of the church is needed now. Both documents will be submitted shortly to the Diocese Advisory Council in Ely, along with some provisional sketches, and hopefully once these are accepted, the first of our four projects will be under way officially.
In the meantime, there is plenty to do, including making provision during re-ordering for the welfare of the bats who live in and around the churchyard, seeking funding, organising a bank account, visiting other churches and learning from their experiences, and researching new ideas so that any changes will be sympathetic to the needs and character of our church in the centuries to come.
Getting everything pulled together will take time, but it is exciting to be taking these first steps and feel that our project is finally getting under way.
We have now produced a Statement of Significance, which is a document that lays out why the Church of St Nicolas is so important, both historically and to the local community.
St Nicolas Church


Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month

Neighbourhood Café
The aim is to create a friendly atmosphere where all are welcome (including non-Hail Westoners), whether you already have lots of friends in the village or would like a chance to chat, meet neighbours and make new friends.
Neighbourhood Café
3.30-5.30, Hail Weston Village Hall
Homemade cakes and warm drinks will be available – no charge, but donations towards costs are welcome.
Donations are often collected for charities or Hail Weston fundraising groups – see the notice on the day.
Sometimes we include a ‘special interest’ table to give us something extra to chat about.
Please get in touch if you’d like to come but have difficulty getting there or if you’d like to help on the day, make cakes or run a special interest table.
The Hail Weston neighbourhood café comes to the village hall every
Third Sunday of every month.
Village Hall

Singing Group
Fun, friendly singing group,
Meets in: St Nicholas’ church every Monday evening from: 7.30-9:00pm.
All welcome, no auditions.
Come along to listen or join in – we’d love to see you!
Enquiries: call Elaine McCarthy on 01480 474542
Monday 7.30-9:00pm.
St Nicolas Church

Yoga Classes
Linda Tongue runs a regular
Wednesday evening
Mixed Ability Hatha Yoga class
from 6.45-7.45pm
at Hail Weston Village Hall
£6 per session.
To enrol or find out more
email Linda or call 01480 350345 or 07733 343702.
Village Hall
Wednesday 6:45 - 7:45pm.
First Tuesday of the Month
HWWGG Offers a varied programme including: presentations on gardening and wildlife related topics and visits to places of gardening, horticultural, wildlife and conservation interest.
Wildlife and Gardening
Village Hall

Meetings take place in Hail Weston Village Hall at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start.
Unless otherwise stated events cost £1 for members and £3 for non-members
Tea/Coffee/glass of wine/biscuits are available at meetings for a voluntary donation.
Contact Barbara Wallis (tel 07849272915)

Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month

Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month
Church Restoration Group
The Statement of Significance is accompanied by a Statement of Need which explains why we feel that some re-ordering of the church is needed now. Both documents will be submitted shortly to the Diocese Advisory Council in Ely, along with some provisional sketches, and hopefully once these are accepted, the first of our four projects will be under way officially.
In the meantime, there is plenty to do, including making provision during re-ordering for the welfare of the bats who live in and around the churchyard, seeking funding, organising a bank account, visiting other churches and learning from their experiences, and researching new ideas so that any changes will be sympathetic to the needs and character of our church in the centuries to come.
Getting everything pulled together will take time, but it is exciting to be taking these first steps and feel that our project is finally getting under way.
We have now produced a Statement of Significance, which is a document that lays out why the Church of St Nicolas is so important, both historically and to the local community.
St Nicolas Church


Bridge Club
Village Hall
Second and fourth Thursday
of the month