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Planning Process

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When a planning application is issued by the Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) a copy is sent to the Parish Council (PC) for consideration and, at the same time, notices are sent out to abutting neighbours of the application site.

The views of the PC must then be sent to HDC within 21 days of receiving the application.

The planning application is considered at the General Meeting of the Parish Council. These meetings are advertised on the village notice board giving the statutory 3 days’ notice and all meetings so advertised are open to the public.


The PC listens to comments from the applicant/s and neighbours, if representation is made, each individual Member has their own view, which they express and then the parish Council vote to make a decision on the proposal. The decision along with comments made by HWPC are sent to HDC for their consideration.

With planning issues the PC seeks guidance from the HDC Planning department.

If you have concerns regarding a planned development or neighbouring extension you can make them known to the PC either through the Clerk, the Chairman or a Councillor and you can speak at the meeting when the application is under discussion.

Also residents can view applications, monitor progress of an application and make a comment about any proposed application by using HD Council’s “on – line” system in “Planning Public Access” area on the website.

Sarah Milonas

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